Monday, April 7, 2008

new zealand Constitution Act 1986

The Act consists of four main parts:

[edit] Part I: The Sovereign
The Head of state of the United Kingdom per the Act of Settlement 1701 is the Head of state in New Zealand, known as the Queen of New Zealand, and the Sovereign's representative in New Zealand is the Governor General. (section 2)

[edit] Part II: The Executive
Ministers of the Crown and members of Executive Council to be, with some timing limitations, Members of Parliament (section 6)

[edit] Part III: The Legislature
The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives noted as the same entity established by the New Zealand Constitution Act 1852 (section 10)
Oath of allegiance to be taken by members of Parliament (section 11)
Rules relating to the election of speaker and speakers role upon dissolution or expiration of Parliament set out (section 12, section 13)

Parliament shall consist of the Sovereign in right of New Zealand (the Queen) and the House of Representatives (section 14)
Parliament to have full power to make laws (section 15)
Term of Parliament to be 3 years unless sooner dissolved (section 17)
Parliament shall meet not later than 6 weeks after the day fixed for the return of the writs for that election (section 19)
Parliament and Public Finance

Bills providing for the appropriation of public money or for the imposition of any charge upon public money not to be passed unless recommended to the House of Representatives by the Crown (section 21)
Not lawful for Crown, except by or under an Act of Parliament to levy a tax, to raise a loan from any person or to spend any public money (section 22)

[edit] Part IV: The Judiciary
Rules relating to protection of Judges against removal from office set out (section 23)
Salary of a Judge of the High Court not to be reduced during the Judge's term
Section 21, covering bills appropriating public money, was repealed.

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